Nomenclature (17)

  • Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell, 1918

    Holotype; male; NMNH 21835; deposited at: National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution (NMNH); United States

  • Zorotypus (Zorotypus) hubbardi Caudell, 1918 in Caudell, 1920: 85. Distribution/Dispersal
  • ... Show all ... (13)
  • Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell, 1918 in Mashimo, Beutel, Dallai, Gottardo, Lee & Machida, 2015
  • Zorotypus (Zorotypus) hubbardi Caudell, 1918 in Dallai, Mercati, Mashimo, Machida & Beutel, 2017 Anatomy/Physiology

Nomenclature references (17)

  • Beutel, R.G. & Weide, D. (2005) Cephalic anatomy of Zorotypus hubbardi (Hexapoda: Zoraptera): new evidence for a relationship with Acercaria. 124(3), 121–136. Available at
  • Caudell, A.N. (1918) Zorotypus hubbardi, a new species of the order Zoraptera from the United States. 50, 375–381. Available at
  • ... Show all ... (13)
  • Caudell, A.N. (1920) Zoraptera not an apterous order. 22, 84–97. Available at
  • Dallai, R., Mercati, D., Gottardo, M., Dossey, A.T., Machida, R., Mashimo, Y. & Beutel, R.G. (2012) The male and female reproductive systems of Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell, 1918 (Zoraptera). 41(4), 337–359.
  • Dallai, R., Mercati, D., Mashimo, Y., Machida, R. & Beutel, R.G. (2017) The morphology and ultrastructure of salivary glands of Zoraptera (Insecta). 46(4), 508–517.
  • Engel, M.S. & Grimaldi, D.A. (2000) A Winged Zorotypus in Miocene Amber from the Dominican Republic (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae), with Discussion on Relationships of and within the Order. 35(1), 149–164. Available at
  • Engel, M.S. & Grimaldi, D.A. (2002) The first Mesozoic Zoraptera (Insecta). 3362, 1–20. Available at
  • Friedrich, F. & Beutel, R.G. (2008) The thorax of Zorotypus (Hexapoda, Zoraptera) and a new nomenclature for the musculature of Neoptera. 37(1), 29–54.
  • Hinojosa-Diaz, I.A., Bonaccorso, E. & Engel, M.S. (2006) The potential distribution of Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae) in north America, as predicted by ecological niche modeling. 108(4), 860–867. Available at
  • Hubbard, M.D. (1990) A catalog of the Order Zoraptera (Insecta). 4, 49–66. Available at
  • Huenefeld, F. (2007) The genital morphology of Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell, 1918 (Insecta: Zoraptera: Zorotypidae). 126, 135–151.
  • Kuznetsova, V.G., Nokkala, S. & Shcherbakov, D.E. (2002) Karyotype, reproductive organs, and pattern of gametogenesis in Zorotypus hubbardi Caudell (Insecta: Zoraptera, Zorotypidae), with discussion on relationships of the order. 80(6), 1047–1054.
  • Mashimo, Y., Beutel, R.G., Dallai, R., Gottardo, M., Lee, C.-Y. & Machida, R. (2015) The morphology of the eggs of three species of Zoraptera (Insecta). 44(6B), 656–666.
  • Rafael, J.A. & Engel, M.S. (2006) A new species of Zorotypus from central Amazonia, Brazil (Zoraptera: Zorotypidae). 3528, 1–11. Available at
  • Rasnitsyn, A.P. (1998) On the Taxonomic Position of the Insect Order Zortypida = Zoraptera. 237, 185–194.
  • Short, A.E.Z. (2002) New record of Zoraptera in Delaware. 113(3), 215.
  • Wipfler, B. & Pass, G. (2014) Antennal heart morphology supports relationship of Zoraptera with polyneopteran insects. 39(4), 800–805.

Descendants and synonyms


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